"At first i was sceptic about the concept, becoming fit in 20 minutes, but it really works, you quickly become more fit and stronger!"
"With this work-out I can lower my focus during my busy workday and it gives me fresh energy and a fit feeling to be sharper during the rest of the day!"
"I recommend training at Fit Boutiqs to everyone. I was sceptic at first, but the first lesson changed my mind! The 20 minutes lessons are easily fit in my schedule and the personal guidance attracts me."
"A fun exercise which can easily fit in my schedule. Clear the mind and work on my body."
"Training during work. Simple, on your own level, no sweating and still working on your muscles! Like this everyone can continue, I say try at least!"
"Approchable, fast and intensive! A good way for me!"
"Nice guidance, definitely when you're susceptible to injury!"
"Meeting strength training in an approachable way!"
"An intensive sport experience with an motivating trainer!"
"With minimum time and maximum strength effort a lovely begin of the day!"
"Training at Fit Boutiqs gives me time and energy!"
"If I can exercise during work, without changing clothes or sweating, I don't have any argument to not train."
"Fun to do. Doesn't take a lot of time and after 20 minutes you can continue your day with a wonderful feeling."
Tom Kliphuis
"Working on a fitter body, every training again."
"A lovely add to your day!"
"Fit Boutiqs is an approachable way to start exercising!"
"Love the convenience!"
"Muscle pain is possible in only 20 minutes."
"Good training, short and really effective!"
"Personal challenge! Clear exercises that help you become a fitter person!"
"I feel every muscle under tension!"
"A good way to gain more strength and life an healthier life"
"In the short time I am training at Fit Boutiqs, I lost my back pain."
"Training at Fit Boutiqs gives me energy!"
"For everyone who hates strength training, this is ideal!"
"No sweating, no changing clothes and still a good workout."
“Fit is not a destination, it’s a way of life… Especially if you can integrate in your working day!”
“It’s fun! I enjoy every minute of it!”
"Love the training!"
"After a certain amount of trainings, i noticed that I gained a lot of muscle!"
"The internal meeting which you don't move!"
"Fit Boutiqs gives me energy for my work. A feeling of quality over quantity, be training in an effective way."
"It feels good and is very fun to do!"
"20 minutes, during the workday, working on your vitality, keeping body and mind sharp. Who doesn't want this? Furthermore, it gives a pleasant distraction to your daily work. An energy booster.
Corbion and Fit Boutiqs, an unique partnership which boosts vitality within our organization."
Franklin OttemaHR Director, Corbion
"Through our partnership with Fit Boutiqs we give our people the possibility to train during the workday in an affordable way under the supervision of a personal trainer. With a healthy lifestyle comes healthy nutrition and movement. Het is commonly known that people who exercise feel better. Because our employees are exercising, we are contributing to this by creating a healthy work environment and good vibe."
"A part of our decision to move to d.Hub is Fit Boutiqs. As insurer of among others work disability risks we are exceptionally aware of the benefits of an healthy body and mind. The concept of Fit Boutiqs contributes on both. All employees of ours who are training at Fit Boutiqs (About 30% of our employees) experience it. By training once or twice a week (20 minutes), you get noticeable stronger. Furthermore, it are fantastic mindfulness moments during the workday. You return to your desk as a reborn with a lovely excitement in your body and a fresh mind. We haven't experienced the long term effects yet, Due the Covid 19 interruption. There are many studies who confirm and i have a lot of confidence that this will improve our workforce and its resilience.
" Coöperation VGZ has a clear mission: Working together on a healthier Netherlands, every day. (WHY) Outside winning is starting inside, that's why our HR- FM- and communication club so called People & Experience its own mission: VGZ is the healthiest employer of the Netherlands. (WHY) An important element of this mission is realizing a optimal health work environment, under the name of healthiest office of the Netherlands. (WHAT) To realize this so complete, effective and verifiable as possible, we embraced the Well Building Standard. (HOW)
Within the theme Physical movement is Fit Boutiqs an important partner for Coöperation VGZ. VGZ has its own in house Fit Boutiqs Studios.
What is better to complement an active and diverse (work)day than a work out with your own Personal Coach? In our own In House Fit Boutiqs studios you are able to work on your physical fitness and strength, together with your Personal Coach. In 20 minutes, once or twice a week, in an airco-cooler space, without sweating, without changing clothes and in your normal work clothes. This solution works!"
"The opening week was directly a big success in applications. In one week there where so many interested employees. This way of staying fit; short, intensive and with a personal coach, is in so many ways different from the traditional fitness solution we provide beforehand. This fits perfectly with the desire of all employees within our organization; it is amazing that you are possible to do this during the workday..!"
Are you interested, do you have questions or are you curious in our stories and experiences? Get in touch.
We would love to tell you more!